Addressing The Elephant In The Room

Dropped News Stories That Remain Relevant


The news cycle refreshes constantly in an endless rotation of stories. In a world where “newsworthiness” is confined to the here and now, some stories are left behind in the constant reporting and updating.

Turmoil in Afghanistan, conflict at the US Southern border, the reemergence of COVID-19 and its variants, and even political disputes in Haiti and Guinea, all of these are stories lost in the ever-changing news cycle. Refugees seeking places to stay, families being torn apart, and even people inflicted with life-threatening diseases could find the help that they desperately need if people still knew about them and their trials.

“I feel like so many of these stories just disappear and it’s like the world forgets about them and moves on,” Jordan Colvin (12) said.

According to ResearchGate, more than 5,000 news articles are published online every day based on their newsworthiness. Stories are considered newsworthy if they are a source of public interest, concern, or entertainment and cover something that is timely or happened recently.

“What is and what isn’t important shouldn’t be a decision that gets made by a group of individuals,” Kahlen Johnson (10) said. “I think it is wrong that the news just drops these subjects when they’re still taking place.”

High school students have sway in regards to what news media publishes. News companies put out what people will read and care about, so if the public opinion of the rising generation changes then the news will change as well. Topics that have been neglected or ignored can be brought to light all because people care.

“I think it’s terrible because things are still actually happening and the fact that people seem to move on so quickly because it’s not them is awful,” Hope Lee (12) said. “There’s no empathy and no sympathy. They’re still important and horrible things are happening to people who need help.”

However, despite a lack of coverage, stories continue to develop without the notice of the public eye. Students watch with increasing concern as important topics disappear from the conversation even as they continue to evolve and grow.

“There are still problems that need to be fixed,” Keilana Alexander (12) said. “Those stories still matter and should be talked about. The problems haven’t gone away and so they need to be discussed.”