A Movie Coming True

A Movie Coming True

Asia Purnell, AV Team Member

High school. The best times of our lives, which is what most stories say. As a young girl, I was like everyone else. I would dream of the first day of high school, and look forward to the big football games, homecoming week, and the big mums that go with it. Now looking back at my time here, the one saying that stuck with me is that time flies. It did. I feel like time literally grew a pair of wings, flew over my head, grabbed me, and placed me into my last few weeks of high school. I know that a new chapter is coming soon and I have to prepare for adulthood, but high school was my biggest lesson and I know that I will take many memories with me along the way. To the juniors and underclassmen, cherish your time here even though senioritis might be kicking in right now. High school is a scary place but after that, it’s even scarier. The forest from the Wizard of Oz? Scarier. I’m literally sitting in Mrs. Kidder’s room right now, just looking at the screen. It always seemed like high school would go on forever. Thank God it doesn’t, but it’s here, and I have to face it head-on. Graduation is in like 15 days and I still haven’t sent out my invitations. I haven’t tried on my graduation clothes. I still don’t have a graduation dress. Why am I saying this? To tell you that you don’t always have to have everything together. You don’t need to stress about things that will eventually get done in time. Senior year is a big waiting game with a dash of unexpected events. If I could make senior year into a movie, I would make it a mystery because you never know what will happen next. To end this letter that Maxie reminded me to do, I will just leave y’all with this.  There are actually a lot of quotes I could say but the only thing that is in my mind is that you need to ALWAYS stay true to yourself and who cares what people think about you? Do something weird like push-ups in the hallways. Or write that nice note to someone you don’t even know.