The Future Legacy of Generation Z

Careers Gen Z Kids Are Planning On Having In the Future.

The Future Legacy of Generation Z

Lily Johnson, Writer

Throughout the decades, education costs have gone up, while many old professions die out. In the midst of those changes, Generation Z is still learning and growing up, getting ready to change the world. Generation Z is raised by Generation X, sometimes Millenials and Baby Boomers. This generation has learned from them and has plans to make the world grow and become stronger. A new line of athletes, doctors, engineers, and teachers are ready to get the job done. 

“Teaching English as a foreign language would allow me to not only teach others about something I find interesting,” Isabelle Swank (10) said. “But it would allow me to travel the world and get as close as I can to experiencing someone else’s life.”

Generation Z is a generation of complete technology and new innovations. A generation of dreamers and revolutionaries. They will possibly create cures for terrible diseases and solutions to the world’s biggest issues. They want to help people and make the world a better place. 

“Because my grandpa worked as an engineer and I’ve always loved the idea of design and fixing problems,” Justine Boehler (9) said. “It sounds like a lot more fun than just doing the same thing every day.”

While some choose the medical field and educational system, others are interested in helping animals.

“Ethology is animal behavior, and I’m really interested in that because it involves spending time with animals,” Matthew Thomas (12) said. “In both their natural and constructed habitats.”

There is the phrase “We are reflections of our parents and grandparents”. Many kids of Generation Z are following in the footsteps of their elders. Their role models encourage them to push forward into success. 

“My mother and almost all of the people in my family work in health care or law enforcement and I want to be like them,” Kaylee Yoder (9) said. “My mom is a nurse and she is a huge inspiration to me.”

Joining the US military is also a dream for many Generation Z kids nowadays. Everyone has a reason for enlisting, no matter the branch. 

“Because I can be creative,” Jeffrey Knapp (9) said. “And infantry, because I’m a first in, last out kind of person.”