Capitolizing On Chaos

The Capitol Building is Stormed by Rioters.

Capitolizing On Chaos

James Hoekstra, Writer

There are Confederates in the Capitol. I repeat, Confederates in the Capitol. On Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, the Capitol Building was overrun by Trump supporters, many carrying anti-American symbols such as the Confederate flag.

The rioters killed Brian D. Sicknick, a Capitol officer. He was one of five deaths including an Air Force veteran. At some point on Wednesday, these rioters had left two pipe bombs in the building. Thankfully, the police recovered them safely. And Heritage has strong opinions on the matter.

“These people are absolutely childish, rioting because they didn’t win and get what they want,” Natalie Redhair (12) said. “I was just dumbfounded that Americans would be stupid enough to do this.”

When looking for the cause of these shocking and deadly riots, many a finger point to the president.

“This happened because Trump’s followers insist he won and he adds fuel to the fire,” Paige Issacs (10) said. “Trump kept egging on his followers until the masses accumulated enough and they got aggressive.”

Cause aside, many agree the biggest effect of the riots is the Confederate flag in the Capitol Building of The United States of America.

“People died trying to keep it[the Confederate flag] out of the Capitol Building,” Rory Clark (10) said. “They brought it in without even thinking of the implications.”

Going beyond flying colors, this is a very serious matter, one that people compare to both the War of 1812 and Shays’ Rebellion.

“The government should take this very seriously, something like this happening in the U.S. is a pretty dang big deal,” Kate Clarke (9) said. “Breaking into the Capitol Building is something that terrorists would do, and what’s really scary to think of is the idea that the rioters could’ve killed senators and possibly even the president. I mean there were already five deaths!”