Cancer Is Such A Buzz Kill

Review Of the New Disney+ Movie Clouds.


Maxie Eller, Newspaper Editor-In-Chief

What would you do if you were told that you only had a few months left to live? Would you spend more time with friends and family? Would you live life to the fullest? Would you try to make your dreams come true? Clouds, released on Disney+ on October 16, follows the true story of a teenage musician who is faced with all of these questions as he battles with cancer. This movie made me really think about my goals in life and I would definitely recommend that you take some time and watch it. 

Zach Sobiech is an eighteen-year-old diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Doctors reveal to Zach that his disease is terminal and that he only has a few months left to live. He might not even make it to senior prom or graduation. While these prospects are already grim, what is truly distressing to Zach is the fact that he only has a few months left to write and create music, which is his greatest passion. Zach continues to live life normally: going to school, spending time with his girlfriend Amy, writing songs with his best friend Sammy, and bickering with his siblings. As he gets closer and closer to the end of his life, Zach spends more time writing music and eventually creates the song “Clouds” (hint hint). 

I will admit, I was heartbroken at the end of the movie. All of these events actually happened to a teenage boy from Minnesota who had an entire life ahead of him. It’s amazing that Zach was able to fulfill his dreams, but it’s still shocking that he had to go through so much to achieve them. The movie really normalizes his life and makes you feel like this is just a story. That makes the ending that much more emotional as you remember that these events happened in real life. 

While the movie shows Zach’s struggles with cancer and the impact that it had both on his body and his life, the movie’s central theme isn’t about cancer. Clouds shows how we need to be living our lives, with or without cancer. With or without any disease or life challenge, really. The movie is about making others happy. It’s about living life to the fullest and fulfilling your dreams. Zach’s story is about facing challenges head-on and not backing down. 

I very much enjoyed watching Clouds. The movie is well worth the time it takes to watch it. While the movie is sad at times and shows some of the darker moments of Zach’s life, I felt a surge of hope and purpose at the end. Besides, don’t we all need just a little bit more positivity in our lives right now?