Stepping It Up A Notch

Non-Biological Parents Are Just As Important


Lauren Curtis, Newspaper Editor-in-Chief

Children grow up watching superheroes, fantasizing about having their powers, or even playing with their action figures. However, the person I look up to is my stepmom. She is in every story I tell, and every memory that I have, and is literally my best friend. 

Many may say that the bond of a biological parent is supposed to be the most important one in your life, but I disagree. My stepmom is my best friend, partner in crime, shopping spree buddy, but also the only woman I would even want to call my mom. She has three kids of her own, and for her to take me in without hesitation, I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am. 

Throughout my life, there have been a lot of hardships and trials. My birth mom was absent at times, I wasn’t as important to her as some other things in her life, but I don’t hold that against her. Since this happened to me, I got the blessing of a stepmom who loved me unconditionally, even during the hardest times. She showed me what it is like to have someone who loves you no matter the condition, and to this day, she has never made me feel any less than like her own kid. 

From the long talks about boys to the tears she has wiped away, she has taught me that family isn’t always about blood. Many people are not as lucky as me to have someone step up and fill a role as big as that one. Every day I try my hardest to make her exceptionally proud of me, and I cannot wait till the day I get to tell my kids about how amazing of a grandma they have. 

I have taken many things for granted, but my stepmom will not be one of those things. She has shown me that I am just as important as others, but mainly, she has taught me to always show compassion and endless love. Family is so important in our lives, and sometimes we get caught up in the longing for what we don’t have. Sometimes I do get caught up in missing what I didn’t have, but then I’m reminded of what I do have. 

There are many things that I am still having to face, the heartache of what has happened, future plans, and even my boy problems. The one thing that I can say is, that I know I won’t face these trials alone. According to The Step Family Foundation, 50% of the 60 million children that are under 13 live with one biological parent and a stepparent. Sometimes the situation isn’t always what we want, but the outcome can make the trial worth it. 

Overall, my superhero isn’t Spiderman, or Hulk, or even Superman. My superhero is a brunette that is 5’6, has the brightest personality, and I call her my mom. The impact she has made on my life is something I will forever be grateful for. She will always be my “super” mom. 


To the stepparents:

Thank you for loving your stepkids like they are your own. I know at times it can be difficult but it does make their lives easier. Thank y’all for loving us even though we aren’t your own. I cannot imagine my life without my mom, and I’m sure your kids will feel the same. 

To my mom:
Happy Mother’s Day! I love you more than words can explain! Thank you for raising me, and picking up all my broken pieces. You collected me, restored my faith in my parents, and reminded me every day that you chose me. I cannot imagine my life without you and I just wanted to say thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart!