A Force to be Reckoned With

Why Star Wars is the Best Movie Series


Maxie Eller, Newspaper Editor-In-Chief

Star Wars is one of the best movie series of all time and you can’t deny it. Some people look at Star Wars and take it as a typical story about some people who have to confront evil using fancy flashlights and spaceships that can shoot lasers. In reality, Star Wars is a lot more than that. The characters are lovable and unique, the plot explores deeper meanings, and there’s something relatable for everyone watching. Overall, Star Wars is a timeless classic that deserves to be recognized. 


Star Wars follows the story of the Skywalker family and their daring exploits to save the galaxy. The original movies, released from 1977 through 1983, show Luke Skywalker and his quest to save the galaxy from the evil Galactic Empire headed by a mysterious Emperor Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader. These three movies introduced the idea of the Force, the energy that everything possesses, the Jedi, the Sith, and interplanetary travel at a greater scale than ever imagined. Starting in 1999, three prequel movies were created to follow the story of Luke’s father, Anakin Skywalker, and his journey in becoming Darth Vader. Everyone thought that would be the end of the Star Wars movie franchise until in 2015 Disney created Star Wars: The Force Awakens which follows a young woman named Rey who fights with the Rebellion against a new evil presence: The First Order. The Force Awakens kicked off three more movies as an epilogue to the original movies. Other spin-off movies have been created including Rogue One and Solo: A Star Wars Story. 


Okay, so while that may seem confusing, it really isn’t. The Star Wars movie franchise encapsulates so many big ideas and thrilling plots that it couldn’t just be done in three movies. With such lovable characters, who wouldn’t want more Star Wars? Luke Skywalker himself is an icon of heroism in his wanting to do the right thing for everyone. Han Solo, a cocky smuggler, and his partner Chewbacca show what true friendship is and how you don’t need to be perfect to be a hero. Princess Leia confirms that you can be into dramatic outfits and hairstyles and still be one of the most dangerous characters in the series. There is a character in this series that everyone can relate to on a personal level because each character is so unique. 


Not only does Star Wars have deep characters, but it also explores deeper themes than what you would expect on the surface. Of course, Star Wars explores the elements of good and evil and how good always wins, but it also shows that you shouldn’t judge people from their appearances, as seen by Han Solo’s scrappy appearance and golden heart. Darth Vader’s redemption arc in helping to defeat Emperor Palpatine shows that maybe the villain of the story isn’t pure evil and that they actually had a reason for becoming who they are. Princess Leia was one of the most courageous and fearsome characters in a movie created during a time period that was not as inclusive to women. Leia showed that she wasn’t a damsel in distress and that women should have a say in the affairs of the world. These classic themes elevate Star Wars to the next level. 


Some claim that while Star Wars may be a nice story, it doesn’t have any practical applications. They say that it can’t be applied to real life. That’s not true. Star Wars, especially in the prequel series that starts with The Phantom Menace, explores political and military strategies and problems. The prequels show that the entire reason that the Empire rose to power was because of a dictatorship. The complete and total transfer of power to Chancellor Palpatine (Emperor Palpatine) cemented the rule of evil. One of my favorite lines in Star Wars comes just after this dictatorship is created when Senator Padme Amidala says, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.” Star Wars shows how complicated politics can be and explores the inner workings of democracy. The complicated battle scenes show military strategies and battle tactics that can be used in real life. 


Sure, some people view Star Wars as only a science fiction movie series with weird aliens and strange people with lightsabers, but it is so much more than that. With its deep meanings, fun characters, and real-life applications, Star Wars is a movie series that will go down in history as one of the greatest ever created.