“Last Friday Night” I Was Working

The Struggles That Students with After School Jobs Face


Isabella McAllister, Newspaper Editor-In-Chief

   A teen student gets off of work late at night, drives home, and walks into their house. As they set their stuff down, they yawn in exhaustion. When they walk into the bathroom to wash all of the grease off from their job, they collapse onto the bed out of tiredness. They have to find some motivation to get their school work done, but they just do not want to. They overthink about all of the things that they have to do and stress. Finally, they open their backpack and pull out all of their assignments; it is now time for homework. 


    Students who work after school jobs often have a lot on their plate. They tend to struggle with balancing a night job and getting all their work done. On top of that, students find being able to get a decent amount of sleep is extremely tough with everything else having to be done.


     “I think I have enough time to get a general idea before my test but not enough time to go in-depth in the material and ace my test,” Haylee Faulkner (12) said. 


     The amount of time after an after school job is limited due to it being night time. A student might feel that they do not have time to be fully prepared for their classes the next day. This leads students to feel they are in a difficult situation. 


     “Working can be stressful because sometimes I have a bunch of homework, and I am not able to get it done,” Brooke Edwards (11) said. “So I have to stay up late in order to make sure I get what I need done.”


     Working students find juggling school and work hard on them, due to the amount of work they have and the hours they work. Staying up late for homework and studying affects the amount of sleep one gets at night. It causes them to feel tired the next day. 


      “Sometimes my job affects my sleep because you are doing physical labor and your body is tired,” Madelyn Roberts (11) said. “But then you have to stay up longer and finish school work. Even though my job closes at eight I am still tired, and physically tired, because I have to stay up later for school work.”


      Having homework allows students to feel exhausted after their jobs. Some students do not have the option to work in order to help their families out. This means when working, they might have to take certain measures in order to get what they need to be done.


“I have to have a job to help pay the bills, so I do feel quite a bit of pressure since I am in a two-person household,” Tanner Black (11) said. “Having a job has been hard, there are many times where I have had to hide my homework in the back of my workplace so I could finish it since I get home so late.”