Girls Freshmen Basketball Beat the Frogs


Rachel Cyers, Writers

Freshmen Girl’s Basketball scored a 30-17 win over the Lake Worth Lady Frogs the night of December 13 at Heritage. With perseverance and some effective shots, the Jags caught up and surpassed their opponents score in the peak of the second quarter. The team will advance to defeat other schools this season.

The Jaguars made numerous swishes from the middle of the game to the end, accelerating their score to a 22, beating Lake Worth by nine points.

“I was really proud of my shots,” power forward, Makayla Montalvo (9) said. “I’m usually under so much pressure.”

Because of the easy win, some team members feel as though the game didn’t have much value, and that they didn’t improve much.

“We did improve a bit because we worked hard on our fast break and plays more,” post, Madelyn Milner (9) said. “But we also didn’t because we didn’t play to our full potential.”

According to the team, this win was much more easier than their previous games, such as their tournaments this past season.

“It was a pretty easy win,” power forward, Erin Rivera (9) said. “But the game was great. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season.”