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Texas Government Tries to Block Syrian Refugees from its Borders


Maggie Cockerham, Contributing Writer

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We need to take care of other human beings regardless of ethnicity or political opinion.

— Hunter Elgin

Terrorists are what most Syrian refugees are thought of being by the Texas government who wants to block them from their state.

“American humanitarian compassion could be exploited,” Gov. of Texas, Greg Abbott said. “Not one federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity. As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril.”

The Texas government made a statement saying that the refugees could impose threats, so they do not want to allow them into their territory.

“I think the Syrian refugees should be let into Texas,” Hunter Elgin (10) said. “We need to take care of other human beings regardless of ethnicity or political opinion.”

Gov. Abbott has contacted President Obama, but he replied by saying it was almost impossible to keep people out of their borders, and that taking action on this would be unethical.

“I think it’s good that (Texas is) taking measures to protect our citizens,” Mashayla Marler (10) said. “I also think it is bad because we are denying safety to fellow humans”

Although Gov. Abbott’s request was declined, he is still adamant about this issue and is trying to make people aware of our circumstances.

“I think the refugees should not be allowed to come in our state because we have already given them so many chances and if most of them have not proven to us that they are trustworthy, then why let any of them in?” Marissa Villarreal (10) said. “There could be good people out there, obviously, but you do not know which ones to trust.”

Many other states have also said they do not want these Syrian refugees in their borders because they are afraid of an attack occurring in their state.

“I see it both ways,” said Jason Hodges, the head girls basketball coach. “I see the Texas government not wanting people here that could possibly pose a threat to our economy and to the citizens of the state of Texas. On the flip side, that is what America is all about, it’s about freedom, it’s about living the American dream, and it’s a chance for us, as a country to help those people that are in need because those people that are coming over, not all of them are considered terrorists like many think that they are.”